Tutorial Monday: Peyote Stitch -- Even Count

Peyote stitch arranges the beads in a brick-like pattern. Its rows (in all patterns I've seen) are spaced a half-bead apart. Therefore, the rows look like this:

Before we begin, here are a few notes about this tutorial:
  • The steps for an even-count and odd-count peyote stitch vary slightly, so this week, we'll cover the even-count version, which is simpler, and next week, we'll cover the odd count.
  • Like my other tutorials, this mentions working from left to right, with left being the side of the beadwork that contains the first bead on the string.
  • For clarity, beads in row 1 will be labeled 1a, 1b and 1c. Beads in row 2 will be labeled 2a, 2b and 2c.

1. String an even number of beads onto your threading material. (In these illustrations, we will use six beads, which will make three beads per row.)

2. Pick up one bead. This will be 3c. Pass the needle from right to left through bead 2c.

3. Pick up one bead. This will be 3b. Pass the needle from right to left through bead 2b.

4. Pick up one bead. This will be 3a. Pass the needle from left to right through bead 2a.

5. Pick up one bead. This will be 4a. Pass the needle from right to left through bead 3a.

6. Pick up one bead. This will be 4b. Pass the needle from right to left through bead 3b.

7. Pick up one bead. This will be 4c. Pass the needle from left to right through bead 3c.

Continue picking up one bead at a time and passing through the bead on the row below to complete your project.


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