Starting the Ladder

I've started the ladder on my next project -- the dark green bracelet. I'm not sure how it will turn out; in my mind, it looks pretty good, but whether that translates well to a finished project remains to be seen. Hopefully, it will.

Birthday present

I just thought this was cute, so I thought I'd share. My 11-year-old nephew loves to make things and experiment, and he made this sailboat for me for my birthday using craft sticks. A few years ago, he made me a SpongeBob out of some blocks of wood he found. That's the type of things he does. A few years ago, I went to visit my parents and found him in the front yard with a turtle. He wanted to turn the turtle loose and see if he could catch it again later. To make sure he'd know he had the same turtle, he was painting an OU for the University of Oklahoma (he's a big fan of the football team) on the turtle's back in Sooner red. I think the paint must've washed off in the rain, but I still thought it was pretty clever for such a young kid.


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