Aha! Here's the Scoop!

Back in March, I wrote about the best freebie a beading retailer had sent to me as a thank you for my order. It was a little scoop that came from Fire Mountain Gems. I had lost mine a few years ago, looked for a replacement but couldn't find one. Eventually, I did find mine again, thankfully, but just in case I ever lost it again, I wanted to buy a backup or two.

Well, in exploring on the Shipwreck Beads website, I found some. After that, I decided to check Fire Mountain again, and it has some, too. (Maybe I misspelled the word "scoop" when I looked on the Fire Mountain website all those years ago, because surely, if it was giving them out as freebies, it must've had them in stock to sell, too.)

Anyway, this is now at the top of my list of things to buy when I do my next bead order.


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