I'm Back

I took a not-so-short break from blogging -- but not from beading -- over the past few months. With a lot going on at my paying job, blogging kind of fell by the wayside.

In the meantime, I've made a few bracelets (left) and necklaces with beads that I've had a long time, I've started two sets of earrings, and in the interest of being able to bead while my toddler is home, I bought a large container of pony beads and some string, hoping my daughter would be content with to string up those while I work on projects.

It didn't work like I'd hoped. The first time I got them out, she helped me string up necklaces, but she wasn't interested in making them on her own. I guess she's still too young for that. I love spending the time with her as we string beads. I only wish there were more hours in the day so I could get done all the projects I want.


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