Daisy chain bracelets in fall colors

daisy chain bracelets seed czech beads
Daisy chain bracelets in fall oranges and browns. (And a blue
bracelet I made in 2015)

Ah, fall. I love the colors, especially when you can look across several mountains and see varying shades of reds and oranges. That's the view I get when I drive to my parents' home or when my husband, daughter, and I go visit his family.

In my own backyard, fall colors never last long. One day the leaves are gorgeous, the next they're the same color as the inside of cereal box.

Looking for a simple project to do last week, I had my mind on this season and pumpkins. (Yes, I am a pumpkin spice fan.) I chose Czech seed beads in two shades of orange, chocolate brown, and off-white pearl, and then I cranked out a few daisy chain bracelets while I listened to the "Undisclosed" podcast.

I might not get much fall color in my backyard, but at least I'll have it in my craft box.

What seasons do you most like to create crafts for? Let me know in the comments section below.


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