More photo practice, and a couple new Etsy listings

Armed with the light/magnifier my husband recently bought for me, I am back at trying to take photos of beadwork. I spent most of Monday night putting the light and the camera at different angles, and I think I finally see some improvement, though I have a ways to go.

Here is a side-by-side comparison. On the left is a photo I took last fall. I took it outside in natural light, but the shadows are way too deep. The photo on the right is the one I took using the light my husband gave me. I think the image could be sharper, but it's more true to the colors of the pumpkin earrings I made.

I'm working on it; I'm determined to get the hang of this.

Etsy shop additions

I've added a couple of new items to my Etsy shop, both made by my older sister. She's been doing beadwork longer than I have, and I think she's got a great eye for design. Here are photos of her creations. If you're interested, please pop over to my Etsy shop, Beadwork and Woodwinds, for more details.


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